Sandeep Gajakas Success Story
There are a lot of these in the startup and business worlds. You must have read about the company whose founder started out small and grew it into a very large enterprise. In a similar vein, we’ve shared with you today the success story of another company whose founder turned shoe polishing into a multi-crore enterprise.
You’re correct. The founder of this startup created a crore-worth company</span> by polishing shoes. Many of us in India think of shoe polishing as a small job, but successful people often say that there are no small or large jobs. And this startup’s creator has demonstrated this.
We are discussing Sandeep Gajakas today, who founded the first shoe laundry in India for people’s shoes. You will learn about Sandeep Gajaka’s success story and how, from his humble beginnings as a shoe shiner, his business has grown to be valued at crores of rupees. have parked.He founded a business, and it makes money by doing repairs and cleaning.
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This is how Sandeep Gajaka’s success story began

Mumbai, India is home to Sandeep Gajakas, who comes from a well-respected family. Following the completion of his engineering degree, Sandeep expressed a desire to work overseas. However, the year he was hoping to travel overseas coincided with the events of 9/11 in the United States. Sandeep had to postpone his trip overseas as a result.
Sandeep chose to launch his own company after postponing his plans to travel overseas. Following that, he started “The Shoe Laundry” with just ₹12000 while saving money <a i=4>. Sandeep started this business out of his own home. He had his workshop built there after demolishing his house’s basement so that Sandeep could launch his company. could get going.
Sandeep used to take his friends’ old, filthy shoes, clean them, and give them back to them. In addition, friends who had damaged shoes had them fixed and given back. Sandeep’s work was well received by his friends, which initially boosted his confidence in the business and motivated him to keep going.
The family members were not happy at all
When Sandeep began his shoe shine company, his relatives inquired about was extremely unhappy since Sandeep had begun working as a shoe shiner after finishing his engineering degree. Furthermore, what parent would approve of their son shining shoes? His family members were extremely unhappy with him as a result.
Sandeep, however, persisted in running his shoe-polishing company and never gave up. At first, he was also insulted by many people who said that he seemed to have no job after studying engineering and had instead taken up shoe polishing. While many made fun of Sandeep for saying this, he chose to ignore them and kept up his diligent work.
Its current valuation is in the crores.
Although he founded it in 2003, his business is now valued in the billions. Sandeep persisted in his early efforts, and now he progressively grants his company’s franchisees worldwide. The Shoe Laundry’s” turnover in the present era has surpassed crores.
In addition, allow us to inform you that Sandeep’s company’s franchise has now expanded to ten different Indian states. Even though Sandeep was initially the target of many jokes, his success has now stopped everyone from laughing at him.
Sandeep Gajakas achieved success because he never wavered from his self-belief and disregarded other people’s negative opinions. This is the reason that, while polishing shoes, he has today built a business valued at Rs. 1 crore.

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