Puranpoli Ghar Success Story: This man built a crore-dollar business by peddling Puranpoli on a bicycle!

Puranpoli Ghar Success Story

Puranpoli Ghar Success Story

It has been said correctly that dreams are those that keep us awake and prevent us from falling asleep. Karnataka resident KR Bhaskar has demonstrated today that this is accurate.

There are a lot of business and startup success stories available online every day, which may inspire you greatly. In a similar vein, we’ve brought you another startup success story today, about a person who had terrible times before going on to make crores of rupees. have established a Rs.

Here, we are discussing KR Bhaskar, the proprietor of the Puranpoli Ghar company, who currently makes millions of rupees thanks to his startup. We’ll tell you the Puranpoli Ghar Success Story in today’s post, which will explain how Bhaskar built his company to be worth crores today.

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This was Puranpoli Ghar’s initial KR.

Puranpoli Ghar Success Story

Bhaskar, who currently owns Puranpoli Ghar Company, is an Indian resident of the state of Karnataka. Although Bhaskar came from a low-income background, he began working at a young age because he had a strong desire to succeed in life since he was a young child.

In an interview, Bhaskar revealed that he began working as a waiter in a Bengaluru hotel at the age of twelve, spending five years cleaning the hotel’s tables and utensils. He then spent eight years working as a dance instructor.

He performed numerous menial jobs in addition to these activities, but it was quite challenging to provide for him in this way. Then, because he had confidence in himself, he chose to sell Puranpoli on bicycles, which led to the founding of the Puranpoli Ghar company.

made a bike cycling company worth crores
KR Bhaskar used to make his daily income in the beginning by selling his handcrafted Puranpoli bicycles. After being chosen for a cooking show one day, Bhaskar rose to popularity in his community.

From this point on, he began to progressively transform his Puranpoli enterprise into a brand. He then launched the first Puranpoli Ghar store in Karnataka, and both Bhaskar and his business grew rapidly thereafter.

Numerous stores have opened.

Many Puranpoli Ghar stores have opened in the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka today, owned by KR Bhaskar. The Puranpoli Ghar company sells over 1000 Puranpoli every day and generates crores of rupees in sales each month with the aid of all these outlets.

Let us inform you that this company offers over 400 distinct snacks at its locations in addition to Puranpoli. Because KR Bhaskar followed his gut and believed in himself, this company has grown to be valued in the crores today.

Puranpoli Ghar Success Story

We hope that this post has provided you with information about the Puranpoli Success Story. Please tell your family and friends about it. Please visit our business page to read more articles like this one.

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